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b) Discussioni su un rally specifico Discussioni sportive su di un singolo rally.

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Vecchio 08-03-05, 09:46   #1
Iscritto in data: Mar 2005
Messaggi: 7
G-First ha disabilitato la reputazione


Firstly, sorry to write in english but i don't speak italian.

I saw on the forum that many went to the Turini stage of the Monte Carlo 2005 !

I'm the webmaster of, a site dedicated to this mythical stage.

If i'm writting to you, that is because i'm searching for videos taken on this stage, the year is not important, the important is that the videos are on the Turini stage (La Bollène-Sospel or the contrary, depending to the years). I'm realizing a video presenting this stage and i need a lot of videos to make a good one, and from each points of this. This video will after be on the site, with your name on if you filmed.

So, thanks to let your answer here or, faster, to contact me by email ( if you have videos or if you know someone who have it.

Thanks a lot.
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