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Vecchio 11-03-08, 15:52   #1
Andrea Nicoli
Iscritto in data: Sep 1999
Messaggi: 476
Andrea Nicoli ha disabilitato la reputazione
Predefinito WRC Irlanda: generates €48 million for the Economy

Sarà tutto da verificare...
ma se è più o meno vero, l'importo calcolato dall'Universistà dell'Ulster riguardante introiti generati dall'indotto del Rally Mondiale di Irlanda, dovrebbe far pensare molti economisti-organizzatori!!!

Copio e incollo dal loro sito ufficiale:

World Rally Championship Generates €48 million for the Economy

The research, which was managed by Dr. David Hassan and Dr. Douglas McCulloch, involved random spectators in both the North and the South completing a questionnaire on the event.
"In many ways Rally Ireland 2007, indeed the entire concept, is a remarkable testimony to what can be achieved by people of foresight and ambition. The fact that an event of such global significance can be hosted in one of the most economically deprived regions in western Europe is all the more significant. At the University of Ulster we have been working with institutions across the world to improve the reporting processes associated with major motor sport events. In this regard we’re pleased that Rally Ireland remains amongst the leading rallies in the World Rally Championship in this regard, ”said Dr. Hassan.
Over 250,000 spectators attended the cross border event making it the largest sporting event ever hosted on the island of Ireland. Other findings from the research included the fact that 7 % of those attending were overseas fans while the average fan was mainly a young adult male who attended with a group of friends. The research also revealed the mean spend per spectator for their trip to the event was €320.78.
The University of Ulster has also been commissioned to examine the economic, social and tourism impact of a selected number of 2007 World Rally Championship events. In conjunction with leading universities in New Zealand, Spain, Portugal and Germany a report will be published at the end of this month which will provide the first comparative spectator data on this prestigious World Series which attracts an annual TV audience of over 800 million.

Rally Ireland which is sponsored by Failte Irelandand Sport NI has been nominated to open the 2009 WRC series. It will start on January 29th in Belfast and finish on Sunday February 1st in Sligo.

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